DLF 2019



Day 1 Thursday, November 7, 2019

Day 1

TIME AKSB Auditorium PSR Seminar Room Lawn V Novera Hall Cosmic Tent Nazrul Stage
9:00am - 9:45am
10:00am - 12:00pm
  • [101] Inaugural Ceremony

    10am: Doors open
    10.30am: Shadhona performance
    11am: Opening with Honourable State Minister of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs K.M. Khalid and Monica Ali

    Dance Drama ‘Aye Amader Ongone’

    This production by Shadhona celebrates Nature’s ability to overcome obstacles and sustain the environment through the dynamic interaction of the five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Space. It is based on Tagore’s book of poems ‘Brikkhoropon’ which is performed at the yearly tree-planting ceremony every 22she Srabon in Santiniketan.

    Tagore saw man’s impact on the environment after seeing an oil spill at sea on his way to Japan in 1916, decades before an environmental movement emerged in the West. He felt modern man was failing to respect nature. In 1927, he started an annual tree-planting ceremony in Santiniketan (brikkhoropon), at which the students would sing and read poems, which encouraged more people to get involved in supporting his campaign. 

    Music direction: Nirjher Chowdhury, Dance direction: Shabbir Ahmed Khan and Amit Chowdhury, Overall artistic direction by Lubna Marium. Produced by Shadhona - a centre for advancement of Southasian culture.

12:00pm - 1:15pm
  • Plenary [102] Fiction: Resistance or Refuge? Monica Ali, Maria Filomena Bouissou Lepecki, Yara Rodrigues Fowler, Minna Lindgren and Sumana Roy

    The opening plenary brings together writers from far corners of the world - Brazil, England, Finland and India - to discuss the potential of fiction in an age that is, at least on the surface, increasingly averse to contemplation. What role can fiction still play for both the writer and the reader in an era of quicksilver mood shifts, from rage and outrage to bathos and banality? Monica Ali, Maria Lepecki, Yara Rodrigues Fowler, Minna Lindgren and Sumana Roy in conversation; five women writers not only address the form of fiction from their different vantages, but also explore the possibilities of this form for women, both as writers and readers.

  • 1-2pm: Recitation [105] কবিতা আড্ডা : এপার ওপার Mridul Dasgupta, Ruby Rahman, Jahar Sen Majumder, Kamal Chowdhury and Goutam Guha Roy 'Mohammad Sadik with Habibullah Sirajee

    বাংলাদেশ ও পশ্চিমবঙ্গ তথা ভারতীয় বাঙালি কবিদের মধ্যে পারস্পরিক আদানপ্রদান কীভাবে গড়ে উঠতে পারে? তারা কীভাবে পরস্পরকে জানতে বুঝতে চায়, বা সে পথ আদৌ কি আছে?

    How can poetic exchanges between the poets of Bangladesh and West Bengal be strengthened? How do they try and understand each other’s traditions? Is there even a way to do so?

1:30pm - 2:30pm
  • [106] ভাঙা বাংলা: ত্রস্ত নীলিমায় Syed Manzoorul Islam and Swapnamoy ChakrabortywithShamim Reza

    দেশভাগের এত বছর পর আবার বাঙালির মনে উদ্বাস্তু হওয়ার ভীতি দানা বাঁধছে। তার পায়ের নিচ থেকে মাটি ক্রমাগত সরে যাচ্ছে। রাজনৈতিকভাবে যা শুরু হয়েছিল সেই বঙ্গভঙ্গের কাল থেকে। বাঙালি কোথায় দাঁড়াবে? তার দেশ কই? মাটি কই? নাকি সে দেশকালের উর্দ্ধে একটি ধারণামাত্র?

    So many years after the partition of Bengal, the fear of becoming refugees is re-emerging among the Bengalis. The earth they have walked on seems to be disappearing from under their feet—a political phenomenon which had started as early as the first partition of Bengal in 1905. Where will the Bengalis stand? Where is their country? Or are they just an idea beyond the concepts of time and space?

  • [107] How Bollywood is a lens to modern India Rachel DwyerwithSadia Khalid Reeti

    Rachel Dwyer is professor of Indian Cultures and Cinema at SOAS and the author of several widely acclaimed books on Indian cinema.  Dwyer will discuss what we can learn about modern India from Bollywood films, and how the country's cinema has evolved as India has developed into an economic powerhouse. She is in conversation with film critic and Dhaka Tribune's showtime editor, Sadia Khalid.

  • [108] History and Philosophy of Science Piers Bursill-HallwithSalahdin Imam

    Over the last 70 years, History of Science has become one of the most exciting branches of intellectual study.  Focusing on the cultural and theological contexts of past mathematical studies, Piers Bursill-Hall, a leading figure in this field, will offer new insights on questions which have long intrigued scholars. What drove the Ancient Greeks to be so fixated about what they called philosophy, and then mathematics? Why did the thinkers of early Islam think of science as gaining control of nature? How did they end up influencing the development of Western concepts? How should we properly evaluate the advances of Galileo, Descartes and Newton? The answers are expected to be original and thought-provoking. In conversation with Salahdin Imam.

  • Children's [109] Play with Words 10-12 years

    Engage in word games with us. Help make new connections, enhance your vocabulary, and come join us to explore the vast world of words. 

    In this stimulating session, children get to discover the fun of playing around with words, experience the thrill of solving word puzzles and wander in a maze of crosswords. For ages 10-12 years.

2:45pm - 3:45pm
  • [110] Babu Bangladesh! Nadeem Zaman, Saad Z Hossain and Rahul SoniwithKanishka Gupta Andaleeb Choudhury

    Numair Choudhury was one of the most promising Bangladeshi writers of his generation when, in September 2018, he tragically drowned drowned during a trip to Kyoto, Japan. He was only 43, and had just submitted his debut novel, Babu Bangladesh!, which was published posthumously to rave reviews. This panel will discuss Choudhury's literary legacy, and discuss a career cut cruelly short. Marking the Bangladesh launch of Babu Bangladesh! by the late Numair Choudhury.

  • [111] ভাষার বন্ধন ভেঙে ভাষ্যের সন্ধান Arunava Sinha, Anjum Katyal, Mashrur Arefin, Khademul Islam and Rafique-Um-Munir ChowdhurywithAlam Khorshed

    মানুষের সৃজনশীলতার কোনো ভৌগলিক সীমা নেই। পৃথিবীর সব মানুষই গান গায়, কবিতা লেখে, গল্প বলে। কিন্তু ভাষিক সীমাবদ্ধতার কারণে যা হয়ে পড়ে অনতিক্রম্য। কোনো ভাষায় অনূদিত হলেও ভাষার শৈলী নয়, অনেক ক্ষেত্রে বেঁচে থাকে শুধু কাহিনি। তাহলে অনুবাদ মানে কি শুধুই অনূদিত কাহিনি?

    Creativity cannot be restricted by geographical boundaries. People in all the cultures of the world sing songs, write poems and tell stories, which, due to linguistic limitations, become inaccessible. When translated, what survives more often than not is the story, not the aesthetic aspects of language. Does translation then only mean the many ramifications of a story sans linguistic aspects?

  • [112] গল্পের নশ্বরতা Altaf Shahnewaz, Mahbub Aziz, Alim Azij and Masud HasanwithFiroz Ahmed Faruk Ahmed

    যুগ যুগ ধরে আমরা কি একই গল্প শুনছি বা বলছি? গল্পের চরিত্রগুলো কোনো রকমের পরিবর্তন ছাড়াই ঢুকে পড়ে কালে কালে? কুবের মাঝি বা হাড্ডি খিজিরের মনোজগতের কী কোনো তারতম্য ঘটেছে এই কালে এসেও? আমাদের সব গল্প কি ফুরিয়ে গেছে?

    Are we telling or listening to the same stories for ages? Do the characters enter stories of different times without any change? Have the psychological realms of fisherman Kuber or Haddi Khijir gone through any changes in our times? Have we run out of all stories?

  • Children's [113] Wereworld & Max Helsing: The teenager's guide to horror and fantasy! Curtis Jobling 10-12 years

    Author, illustrator and animation creator Curtis Jobling will introduce audiences to his work as originator and designer of famous, award-winning TV shows. In more recent years, Curtis has carved a new career as the writer of numerous fantasy and horror novels for older audiences and teens. With readings from the bestselling WEREWORLD novels, this thoroughly interactive and eye opening show is ideal for any lover of the fantastic and frightening. For ages 10-12 years and fantasy lovers of all ages!

  • Performance [114] Broadside Ballads Jennifer Reid

    Jennifer Reid sings weaving songs from Lancashire, UK. She will perform throughout this short talk, where she compares Bangladeshi weaving songs with those she studies in Lancashire whilst touching on topics such as worker's rights, traditional craft techniques and cultural practice.

4:00pm - 5:00pm
  • [115] Gemcon Awards (I)

    Established by the Gemcon Group in 2000, the Gemcon Shahitya Puroshkar or Literary Award is presented in two categories. The primary award, of eight lakh taka, is presented to the writer of an exceptional work of great creative merit  published in Bangladesh within the previous one year. The second award, the Gemcon Tarun Shahitya Puroshkar is a youth prize and is presented in two parts, each worth one lakh taka, to one young writer and one young poet. In addition to the prize, the winners' manuscripts are published by Kagoj Prokashon.

  • [116] The Storyteller Jan BlakewithTeresa Albor

    Master storyteller Jan Blake tells traditional African tales in the oral form, and also explores her own voice and place in Britain today. She is in conversation with performance artist and writer Teresa Albor, as both women expand their creative horizons, with a strong body of work to build on.

  • [118] Abdullah the Cossack HM NaqviwithKhademul Islam

    HM Naqvi was born in London and grew up in Karachi. After graduating, he worked in the financial services industry for nearly a decade before turning his hand to fiction. His 2009 debut Home Boy won the first DSC Prize, rave reviews, and announced the arrival of a major talent. A decade later, he is back with a penetrating new novel, The Selected Works of Abdullah The Cossack, which he will discuss with the Bangladeshi writer and editor, Khademul Islam. 

  • [119] Metamorphosis: VR Ján TompkinswithMinhaz-Us-Salakeen Fahme

    Jan Tompkins brings a traveling Virtual Reality (VR) exhibition of Franz Kafka's 1915 novella The Metamorphosis to Dhaka. He talks about how VR and AR is a new way to enrich literature, while showcasing what is special about reading, with entrepreneur Minhaz Fahme, who teaches the latest technology to rural children, and is a game designer. Book a place at the VR booth (upstairs from the AKSB auditorium) to experience Kafka’s The Metamorphosis!

5:15pm - 6:15pm
  • [120] গীতিকবিতায় জুলফিকার রাসেল Zulfiqer Russell, Mohammad Rafiquzzaman, Samina Chowdhury, Fahmida Nabi and Bappa Mazumder Nakib Khan, Moni Jaman

    প্রকাশিত হয়েছে বাংলাদেশের জনপ্রিয় গীতিকবি জুলফিকার রাসেলের গীতিকবিতা সংগ্রহ-১ ‘জলের দামে’র পাঠ-উন্মোচন। তার এই দীর্ঘ যাত্রার গল্প শুনবো তার নিজের মুখেই, শুনবো বিদদ্ধজন ও শিল্পীদের অভিজ্ঞতার কথা।

    A collection of lyrics by popular lyricist Zulfiqer Russell has recently been published, entitled Jaler Daame. We will hear the story of his long journey as a lyricist in his own words, and also from artistes and scholars.

  • [121] It's Personal Shahnaz Huda and UM Habibun NessawithFaustina Pereira

    Most laws impact us at specific points of our civic life - voting, taxes, contracts. Laws govern our fundamental rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and freedom of movement or expression, but most do not have the ability to impact us beyond a specific purpose. However, personal laws are so all-pervading, they have the power to determine our trajectory in life. These govern one’s identity, social status and rights, based on which religion  we are born into, and which gender with which we identify or are recognised as. A colonial remnant, these are hard to justify either under national constitutional protections or globally recognised standards of normative justice.

    These laws determine a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or Adivasi man’s and woman’s rights, obligations, privileges and deprivations around birth, marriage, divorce, child custody, death and inheritance, and still prevail in Bangladesh.  

    Legal experts and women and human rights advocates, Shahnaz Huda, UM Habibun Nessa and Faustina Pereira, will have a candid conversation on the impact of these life-saturating laws. Discussion based on the 2019 book Revisiting Personal Laws in Bangladesh: Proposals for Reform.

  • Recitation [122] বঙ্গবন্ধুঃ স্বরচিত কবিতা পাঠ

    বাঙালি কবির কলমের কালিতে ছন্দবদ্ধ হয়েছেন এক অবিস্মরণীয় মহামানবের নাম, শেখ মুজিব। যিনি আমাদের জাতির পিতা। পিতাকে নিবেদন করে এই নৈবেদ্য।

    Nirmalendu Goon, Robiul Hossain, Mohammad Nurul Huda, Ruby Rahman, Ashim Saha, Kamal Chowdhury, Muhammad Samad, Manik Mohammad Razzak and Tarik Sujat with Habibullah Sirajee.

  • [123] নীরব ইতিহাস, সরব সাহিত্য Jahar Sen Majumder, Bishwajit Ghose, Mostak Ahamed and Ruma ModakwithMuhammad Muhsin

    বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাসগ্রন্থ পাঠে আমরা লক্ষ্য করি প্রচ্ছন্নভাবেই উপেক্ষিত থাকে পূর্ববঙ্গ তথা বাংলাদেশের সাহিত্যের কথা। পশ্চিমবাংলায় লিখিত বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাসে যেমন উপেক্ষিত বাংলাদেশ, তেমনি বাংলাদেশের লিখিত ইতিহাসেও অবহেলিত পশ্চিমবাংলার সাহিত্য। তাছাড়া এই ইতিহাস গ্রন্থও হয়ে উঠেছে লেখকদের কালানুক্রমিক বিন্যাস। সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস এভাবে রচনা করা কতটা যুক্তিযুক্ত? বা কেমন হওয়া উচিত?

    The history of erstwhile East Bengal or Bangladesh is under-represented in canonical historical texts on Bengali literature. Similar to how Bangladesh is given inadequate space in history books written by Indian writers, West Bengal is ignored in books written by Bangladesh writers. In addition, these historical works are mainly chronological accounts of writers and their works. How logical or productive is this kind of writing of literary history? How should it be?

  • 5.45-7pm: Performance [125] Devotional Songs মাইজভান্ডারী মরমী গোষ্ঠী

    Sufi and Maizbhandari songs by internationally performing group, Maizbhandari Mormi Goshti Chattogram.

6:30pm - 7:30pm
  • Recitation [127] কবিতা- ১: নির্ঝরের স্বপ্নভঙ্গ

    বিশ্ব সভায় বাংলা কবিতা স্থান পেয়েছে বিংশ শতকের শুরুতে রবীন্দ্রনাথের হাত ধরে। সমকালীন বিশ^-কবিতার প্রেক্ষাপটে এখনকার বাংলা কবিতা কেমন, শুনবো কবিদের কণ্ঠে।

    Bangla poetry has secured its place in the international arena through Rabindranath Tagore. What is the status of Bangla poetry in today’s international context? We will learn from the poets themselves.

    Aminur Rahman Sultan, Aniket Shamim, Chanchal Ashraf, Droupadi Ripon, Emran Kabir, Farhan Ishrak, Farhana Rahman, Faruk Shumon, Gauranga Mohonta, Iqbal Aziz, Jewel Mostafiz, Ferdausi Mahmood, Megh Aditi, Mohim Monir, Nazmun Nesa, Pablo Shahi, Quazi Rosy, Raju Alauddin, Raju Alim, Roksana Shathi, Saikat Habib, Sajjad Arefin, Selina Shelly

* The programme is subject to change
** Previously announced speakers may be absent due to last minute cancellations.

Day 2 Friday, November 8, 2019

Day 2

TIME AKSB Auditorium PSR Seminar Room Lawn V Novera Hall Cosmic Tent Nazrul Stage
9:00am - 10:00am
9:45am - 10:45am
  • [201] In the Time of the Others Nadeem ZamanwithRifat Munim

    Fictionalising the time one lives in is entirely different from the time one grew up hearing about. Nadeem Zaman shares his experience of writing about a time he has never witnessed in his debut novel, In the Time of the Others, longlisted for the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature 2019, with Dhaka Tribune's literary editor Rifat Munim.

  • [202] Inequality: All the Rage James Crabtree, Kenan Malik, Maria Filomena Bouissou Lepecki and Ernest van der KwastwithPriyanka Dubey

    Inequality, along with climate change, is the global issue that won't go away. In America, Elizabeth Warren has proposed a wealth tax as a counterpoint to Donald Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy, while in Britain, inequality is seen as one of the major causes of Brexit. Across the developing world, meanwhile, governments must work out how to balance the entrepreneurial freedom that can be a major driver of growth, as well as personal wealth, with ensuring living standards rise for the poorest. This panel, which includes the British writers James Crabtree and Kenan Malik, also the Brazilian novelist Maria Lepecki and Dutch author Ernest Van der Kwast, will discuss the growing anger around inequality, and what can be done about it. Indian journalist Priyanka Dubey will lead the discussion.

  • [203] How I Became a Tree Sumana Roy and Audity FalguniwithAnjum Katyal bilingual

    Indian poet and fiction writer Sumana Roy, author of How I Became a Tree and Missing, with Bangladeshi writer Auditi Falguni. They discuss their form and stories they wish to tell. They also explore how best they channel their passion for social change through their writing. In conversation with Anjum Katyal.

  • Children's [205] Worlds of Fantasy Curtis Jobling 6-10 years

    Author, illustrator and animation creator Curtis Jobling will introduce audiences to his work as originator and designer of many famous cartoon characters, before unleashing the fantastic worlds of his novels upon young readers. With live illustration, interactive quizzes, and gripping readings from his acclaimed novels such as MAX HELSING, this talk will enthrall every reader and monster hunter, big and small. For ages 6-10 years.

11:00am - 12:00pm
  • [206] William Dalrymple: The Anarchy William Dalrymple introduced by Sadaf Saaz

    William Dalrymple, through his directorship of the Jaipur Literary Festival, is a titan of the South Asian literary scene. Since its foundation in 2006, Jaipur has welcomed a who's who of international superstars, including Salman Rushdie, Geoff Dyer, Henry Louis Gates Jr, JM Coetzee, Orhan Pamuk, Tom Stoppard and Oprah Winfrey. He is also an acclaimed writer and historian, with countless awards, bestselling books and TV programmes to his name. His latest book, The Anarchy, is a fascinating look at the meteoric rise of the East India Company, the first global corporation. Dalrymple will be bringing alive the gripping story of the first global corporation, in his inimitable style. Sadaf Saaz, director and producer of DLF, will introduce him.

  • [208] Wereworld & Max Helsing: The teenager's guide to horror and fantasy! Curtis Jobling 10-12 years

    Author, illustrator and animation creator Curtis Jobling will introduce audiences to his work as originator and designer of famous, award-winning TV shows. In more recent years, Curtis has carved a new career as the writer of numerous fantasy and horror novels for older audiences and teens. With readings from the bestselling WEREWORLD novels, this thoroughly interactive and eye opening show is ideal for any lover of the fantastic and frightening. For ages 10-12 years and fantasy lovers of all ages!

  • [209] Heroes come from everywhere Samir Asran Rahman and Sabyasachi Chakma Rumana Habib

    Ms Shabash, journalist by day and vigilante superhero by night in Dhaka, is Bangladesh’s first female superhero. Joom is an indigenous superhero from Rangamati. Creators Samir Asran Rahman and Sabyasachi Chakma talk about coming up with unlikely heroes. Moderated by Rumana Habib.

  • Performance [210] Indigenous Rock F Minor

    F Minor, this cool all-female indigenous band, the first in Bangladesh, will be playing hip songs from the hill tracts. The five members of the band play the ukelele, guitar, keyboard, cajón and drums.

12:15pm - 1:15pm
  • [211] সমাজ ও সত্তা : দ্বান্দ্বিক বিরোধ Shaheen Akhtar, Anisul Hoque, Harishankar Jaladas and Mashrur ArefinwithKabir Humayun

    বলা হয়, সমকালীন সময় থেকে লেখক অনেকদূর এগিয়ে থাকেন। তার এই এগিয়ে থাকাটাই ব্যক্তি-লেখকের জন্য কখনো হয়ে ওঠে বিরূপ; কখনো তার সৃষ্টিশীলতা অবমূল্যায়িত হয়, কখনো ব্যক্তি নিজে।

    এই বিরোধ আমরা কীভাবে বুঝবো? অপরদিকে, কাক্সিক্ষত সমাজ বিনির্মাণে লেখকের ভূমিকাই বা কী?

    It is said that writers are often ahead of their time. This can mean that sometimes their writing is poorly valued or that they themselves are underestimated. How are we to understand this dialectics? On the other hand, what is the role of a writer in creating a better society or world?

  • [212] Gunpowder Manoranjan Byapari and Arunava SinhawithKaiser Haq

    Manoranjan Byapari's Batashe Baruder Gondho, translated into English by Arunava Sinha as There's Gunpowder in the Air, is set in a jail in 1970s’ Calcutta, with underlying stories of caste and class conflicts, freedom, betrayal and idealism. Byapari, who is part of the oppressed Dalit community in the subcontinent, discusses his novel (which has been longlisted for the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature 2019), the larger context of his writing, and Sinha's role as translator, with Kaiser Haq.

  • [213] No World for Women Priyanka Dubey and Maheen SultanwithTasaffy Hossain Mia Seppo

    Award-winning investigative journalist Priyanka Dubey documents cases of sexual violence across India in her book No Nation For Women, from rape in custody to caste-based 'corrective' rapes. This panel, consisting of women's rights activists, advocates and gender specialists, Maheen Sultan, Mia Seppo and Tasaffy Hossain, discuss the 'normalisation' of crimes against women which desensitise the public, and what is needed to tackle the global pandemic of violence against women.

  • Presentation [215] Indica: Formations Pranay Lal

    A biochemist as well as an artist, Pranay Lal has written widely on public health, the environment, ecology and global trade. His book, Indica: A deep natural history of the Indian subcontinent, published in 2016, is the first natural history book to focus on the region. In this presentation he will show some of his most startling discoveries.

1:30pm - 2:30pm
  • [217] State of Statelessness Samrat Choudhury, Jeffrey Gettleman and Tasneem SiddiquiwithGarga Chatterjee

    With one million Rohingya refugees living inside its borders, Bangladesh knows more than most nations about the problem of statelessness. As America grows more isolationist, governments around the world are increasingly rising up against populations within their borders, be they Kurdish or Uighur, with which they have differences. This panel will address the growing issue of statelessness, and examine its implications for global political stability.

  • [219] Armed with a Crayon Curtis Jobling

    A retrospective delivered by author, illustrator and animation creator Curtis Jobling, charting his career path into publishing, film and television production. Jobling walks us through his career breaks and the steps on the ladder he forged for himself as he worked his way up in each respective industry. For anyone interested in a career in writing, arts, media, film, television, illustration, animation!

  • Presentation [220] William Dalrymple: Forgotten Masters William Dalrymple

    Many remarkable artworks were commissioned by East India Company officials as they extended their reach across the subcontinent in the late eighteenth century. Edited by writer and historian William Dalrymple, this presentation showcases the beauty of the Indian natural world and the social realities of the time, in one hundred masterpieces. The collection celebrates the extraordinary talent of Indian artists, who responded to European influences, while keeping in touch with their own artistic vision. William Dalrymple will discuss these wonderful paintings and his own story of discovering them.

2:45pm - 3:45pm
  • [222] Sheikh Mujib: Icon of Post-colonial Liberation Shashi Tharoor, Afsan Chowdhury and Kamal ChowdhurywithShamsad Mortuza

    Sheikh Mujib, the founder of Bangladesh, was an iconic figure among post-colonial liberators and described by Newsweek as a "poet of politics." In an age defined often by stark "right"/"left" contrast, he was unique in his harmonsation of ideals in light of the lived experience and struggles of people, and articulated as the four pillars of the constitution: sovereignty, democracy, secularism and socialism. From recent conflagrations across continents to the rise of various extremist ideologies, and the worldwide uprisings for rights and equity, the vision of Bangabandhu {"Friend of Bengal") - as Bangladeshis fondly call him - seems more compelling than ever, not just for Bangladesh but even in the global context. Renowned leaders and thinkers discuss the legacy of this great, selfless leader and the salience of his political ideals today.

  • [223] Storytelling: The Mystery of Inheritance Tishani Doshi, Srabonti Narmeen Ali and Jan Blake with Sabrina Fatma Ahmad

    Tishani Doshi and Srabonti Narmeen Ali talk about their new novels Small Days and Nights and Broken Voices respectively, with storyteller Jan Blake, who draws from old African folk tales.The session explores connections to our family and  past, and the impact on current lives. Moderated by Sabrina Fatma Ahmad. Marking the launch of Bengal Lights Books' Broken Voices by Srabonti Narmeen Ali.

  • [224] The Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday Saad Z Hossain and Curtis JoblingwithShazia Omar

    Curtis Jobling is a bestselling author and designer of fiction for children and young adults, such as the fantasy series Wereworld; while Saad Z Hossain, whose novels contain elements of dark comedy, science-fiction and fantasy, is the author of the 2019 The Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday. In conversation with the Bangladeshi author Shazia Omar, whose Like a Diamond in the Sky’s 10th edition is being published this year, the writers will discuss their different approaches to storytelling, and look at how genre impacts their work.

  • [225] যে গল্পের পাঠক নেই Papree Rahman, Swakrito Noman, Sumon Rahman and Parvez Hossain Mostafa Kamal, Faruk Maynuddin

    ছোটগল্প কি মরে যাচ্ছে? Ñআখতারুজ্জামান ইলিয়াসের সেই প্রবন্ধকে স্মরণে রেখে আমরা ভাবছি, টুইটারের এই যুগে এসে সাহিত্য কি এখনো এমন কোনো কথা বলে, যা কিনা আমরা অন্য কোথাও পাই না? পাঠক-বিরল এই সমাজে গল্পের কী ভূমিকা?

    Is the short story dying? Keeping in mind the essay written about this by Akhteruzzaman Elias, we wonder whether, in this age of Twitter, the short story presents us with ideas that we do not find anywhere else. What is the role of stories in these times when the number of readers is ever shrinking?

  • [226] Animation Invasion Samir Asran Rahman

    Enjoy Bangla nursery rhymes in this fun-packed session. Be with us for the debut of Tepa Tuli animations - see how cartoons are made, get to see Captain Kathal, and more! Sing along with the stars to the animations. For ages 3-10 years and animation lovers of all ages!

4:00pm - 5:00pm
  • 4.15 to 5.15pm [228] Beyond Brick Lane Monica AliwithSadaf Saaz

    Born in Dhaka but raised in Britain, Monica Ali shot to fame in 2003 with the publication of Brick Lane, her debut novel, which explored the life of a young Bangladeshi woman living in East London and was shortlisted for the Booker prize, and was also made into a film. Since then, Ali has published three further novels. In conversation with the DLF director and producer, Sadaf Saaz, Ali will discuss her first book's impact and legacy, and look at how things have changed since.

  • [229] Altu Faltu: Bangla street slang - a new aesthetic? QwithShibu Kumer Shill

    Known for socio-politically charged films and rap music, Q has consistently challenged accepted aesthetic norms with his breakthrough films which are radically experimental and subversive, pushing middle class boundaries towards a new, grittier and more street-smart aesthetic. 

    Q discusses his radical approach to language, both textual and visual, as a marker of a rapidly changing Bengal, with singer, poet and documentary filmmaker Shibu Kumer Shill. 

  • Recitation [230] কবিতা- ২: গাহি সাম্যের গান

    কবিতা চিরকাল মানবতার কথা বলে, সমতার কথা বলে। কবিতা সশস্ত্র, কবিতা সুন্দর।

    Through the ages, poetry has always told us about humanity, about equality. Poetry is armed, poetry is beautiful.

    Aho Naoroz, Anis Mohammad, Ashraf Jewel, Bireen Mukharji, Chandan Chowdhury, Jewel Mazhar, Kazi Shahjahan, Lovely Talukdar, Zahid Sohag, Masud Pathik, Moniruzzaman Mintu, Mostafiz Karigar, Mostofa Tarequl Ahsan, Nahida Ashrafi, Pias Majid, Raju Ahmed Mamun, Rezauddin Stalin, Sabera Tabassum, Shahnaz Nasrin, Sharfuddin Ahmed, Shimul Salauddin, Shoaib Shorbonam, Suhita Sultana, Tapan Bagchi, Tushar Kabir, Tushar Proshun, Zafar Ahmed Rashed, Zahid Haider with Farid Kabir.

  • [231] PEN: লেখকদের দাঁড়াবার যায়গা Ahmed Reza, Audity Falguni, Moom Rahaman, Rubayet Ahmed and Ahmad Mostofa KamalwithMohammad Moheuddin

    কখনো রাষ্ট্র কর্তৃক, কখনো বা রাজনৈতিক অসহিষ্ণুতার শিকার হচ্ছেন মুক্তমনা লেখকরা। যারা প্রশ্ন করে, ব্যাখ্যা করে, সমাজ-রাষ্ট্র ও ধর্মের কথা বলেন। তারা মেনে নেন না কোনো অচলায়তন। দেশে দেশে এই লেখকদের কলম স্তব্ধ করার জন্য আইন প্রণয়ন থেকে শুরু করে হত্যা-নির্যাতন পর্যন্ত করা হচ্ছে অবলীলায়। এই বাস্তবতায় লেখকের দাঁড়াবার জায়গা কোথায়?

    Free-thinking writers—people who ask questions, seek explanations from society, state and religious institutions—are falling victim to intolerance enforced by either the state or political groups. Laws are being enacted and, in many cases, torture and fatal attacks are being resorted to in many countries, in order to stifle the voices of these writers. Against this backdrop, where is the space for writers to breathe?

  • [232] Science: Truth in the age of make believe Piers Bursill-Hall, Pranay Lal and Samiya SelimwithGarga Chatterjee

    Science has taken a battering in recent years, with the idea of objective truth challenged by those whose agendas are not suited by the facts, be it on climate change, politics or economics. Between Trump's constant untruths, fake news and Michael Gove's notorious line about the British people having "had enough of experts", what's probably true is often seen as simply another point of rhetoric. This panel will look at how we reached this point, what can be done to combat it and what the risks are of inaction.

  • Performance [233] The Calabash Children Jan Blake

    A childless woman prays to be a mother, a little sister refuses to do as she’s told, and a wicked godmother tries to get rid of her goddaughter. Join master storyteller and performer Jan Blake as she tells tales of stubborn sisters, ungrateful mothers, and beautiful friendships. For children of all ages.

5:30pm - 7:30pm
  • 5.15-6.15pm [236] মুক্ত নারী, রুদ্ধ সমাজ Sadeka Halim, Mithila Farzana and Udisa IslamwithMuktasree Chakma Shireen Akhter

    সারা পৃথিবীতেই দিন দিন বাড়ছে শিক্ষা-সংস্কৃতিতে নারীর অংশগ্রহণ, বাড়ছে ক্ষমতায়নও। তুলনায় সমাজ এখনো প্রায় মধ্যযুগীয়, নারীকে আবার বেধে রাখতে চায় শেকলে, রাখতে চায় অসূর্যস্পর্শা। সমাজের এই পশ্চাদপদতার কারণ কী? এই সমাজ কাকে বাঁচিয়ে রাখে, আশ্রয় দেয়?

    All over the world, participation of women in education and culture along with their empowerment is increasing day by day. Society, however, is still reacting regressively to women’s progress, making attempts to force them into the inner chambers of our homes. What are the reasons behind such regressive attitudes? Who does this society protect and shelter through such reactions and attitudes?

  • 5:30-6:30pm [237] War: How we Like to Live Jeffrey Gettleman, Nadeem Zaman, Maria Filomena Bouissou Lepecki and Joseph Allchin

    This panel brings together novelists and reporters who have all explored war and conflict - inter-state and intra-state - across continents. We are accustomed to thinking of war as the great, ugly deviation from the normal state of affairs. But much of human history indicates otherwise! Landmark events such as the Treaty of Westphalia or the formation of the United Nations allowed us to emerge from the reality of constant strife to far more durable conditions of peace. But that rules-based order is becoming quickly undone as events like the Russian incursion into Crimea, US drone strikes, Chinese assertions over the South China Sea and even the brutal purge of the Rohingyas next door, gain prominence. Authors who have explored conditions of war through the written word, led in a discussion by Jeffrey Gettleman, in a debate about our apparent nature as a warring species.

  • 5-6pm: Performance [238] Humanity Shayan

    Singer-songwriter Shayan sings about the need for humanity and understanding in a world full of conflict and intolerance.

* The programme is subject to change
** Previously announced speakers may be absent due to last minute cancellations.

Day 3 Saturday, November 9, 2019

Day 3

TIME AKSB Auditorium PSR Seminar Room Lawn V Novera Hall Cosmic Tent Nazrul Stage
9:00am - 10:00am
10:00am - 11:00am
  • [301] Love, Africa Jeffrey GettlemanwithZafar Sobhan

    Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jeffrey Gettleman talks about his intense time in Africa, and his own relationship with this vast continent of complex histories. He takes us on a journey through his varied experiences, while telling the story of a continent coming of age, through his own quest for purpose. Now NYT South Asia Bureau Chief based in Delhi, he discusses similarities with South Asia's own trajectory, with Dhaka Tribune editor Zafar Sobhan. 

  • [302] Celebrating the year of indigenous languages Raja Devasish RoywithMuktasree Chakma

    The UN declared 2019 the International Year of Indigenous Languages. What does this mean for indigenous languages and cultures? In this one on one, Muktasree Chakma will interview Devasish Roy, the Chakma Raja and chief of the Chakma Circle, on this as well as on how as a traditional leader, Roy looks into protecting indigenous culture and moving forward globally. Royis a barrister by training and a member of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2011-2016).

  • [303] Reviving the Art of Storytelling Naila Zaman Khan, Fran Hurley, Curtis Jobling and Syeda Sazia ZamanwithMadiha Murshed

    The importance of storybooks and storytelling for children is being given new impetus, as recent research shows that children feel increased connection with their parents and siblings through the telling of stories. For an engaged and joyful childhood in today's fast-paced world, the power of imagination and fiction is often not recognised due to an increased emphasis on academic pursuits and the use of technology, which isolates and deprives young minds from exploring their full potential, as well as hampering the development of their imaginative and empathetic traits. Sazia Zaman, programme head at the BRAC Institute of Educational Development, Fran Hurley, child development and language specialist, Naila Zaman Khan, neuro paediatrician, and Curtis Jobling, educator and writer, will be discussing the impact of words and stories on children, with educator and teacher, Madiha Murshed.

  • [304] Bangabandhu in his own words Fakrul Alam, Mahrukh Mohiuddin and Shamsuzzaman Khan with Rashid Askari

    Continuing the celebration of Sheikh Mujib as we approach the 50th anniversary of independence, in this discussion, a panel of experts look at the leader's legacy in his own words, through his writings and speeches. Mujib was one of the most gifted orators in the history of Bengali politics, and his famous March 7th speech - which is seen as the effective declaration of the country's independence - has been included by UNESCO in the Memory of the World Heritage list.

  • [305] Power of Pictures Fahim Anzoom and withSyed Rashad Imam Tanmoy Abrar Athar

    In this age of the rapid emergence of visual media, it is an exciting time for pairing texts with thoughtfully illustrated visuals, or being inspired by books and ideas, new and old, to tell stories through film and other digital media. The panel talks about art forms, style development and techniques, and ways in which they tell stories. Fahim Anzoom, author of Nidranogor which blends horror and surrealist fantasy, Nasreen Sultana Mitu, who founded Project Tiktaalik - a series of science comic books for children, director and filmmaker Abrar Athar in conversation with cartoonist Syed Rashad Imam Tanmoy. 

  • 10-10.30am: Children's [306] Reading: By the Seashore Nazia Jabeen

    Who doesn’t love to play with the waves of the sea! But have you ever thought about how the waves become so big? And where its roars come from? A reading of this upcoming bilingual children picture book by Myurpankhi, সাগর তীরে (By the Seashore), by author Nazia Jabeen. Translated by Nasrin Sultana Shila and illustrated by Moumita Sikdar. For ages 3-8 years.

  • 10.30-11am: Children's [307] Reading: The Elephant in the Room Nandita Khan 4-8 years

    Launch of The Elephant in the Room, by Bengal Publications. A story about bullying and the first day of school. Reading by author Nandita Khan, with illustrator Shafrin Islam playing the ukulele. For ages 4-8 years.

11:15am - 12:15pm
  • [308] India Against Itself Shashi TharoorwithC R Abrar introduced by Ahsan Akbar

    Shashi Tharoor is the rarest of breeds: a true polymath. Alongside a successful career as a diplomat, he also became a bestselling author, with 19 books of fiction and non-fiction to his name, on subjects as diverse as politics, film and Indian history, as well as hundreds of columns for the New York Times, the Washington Post and other politicians. He is also a star politician, a member of parliament who currently serves a vital role as chairman of the parliamentary committee on Information Technology. In this interview with CR Abrar, professor of international relations at the University of Dhaka, he will discuss his career, global politics and the outlook for South Asia.

  • [309] On the Road: Travel Writing with William Dalrymple William DalrymplewithAntara Ganguli

    In an age of widespread climate change protests, Google Earth offering instant virtual access to almost anywhere on earth, and encroaching cultural homogeneity, what does it mean to be a travel writer? William Dalrymple has a clearer idea than most. Reading from his writings, he gives us a fascinating insights into places both strange and familiar. In conversation with Antara Ganguli.

  • Children's [310] Words and Pictures: Bob to Raa Raa Curtis Jobling 3-5 years

    Author, illustrator and animation creator Curtis Jobling will take audiences on a tour through his beloved work. See how BOB THE BUILDER was first designed, learn how to draw RAA RAA THE NOISY LION, and get lost in any number of Curtis's works as he reads his stories to your little book-lovers! For ages 3-5 years.

12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • [311] Prize Politics Michael Dwyer, Tishani Doshi, Yara Rodrigues Fowler and Prayaag AkbarwithAhsan Akbar

    Decisions are often controversial. But what about when a prize rewards a genocide denier? Is it still permitted in the name of 'artistic' merit? How does power favour members of privileged groups even now, while sidelining others? From publishing to prizes, is ethnographic-centrism still a problem? And is it preventing more diverse voices from reaching curious audiences across borders?

  • [312] সাহিত্য ও সাংবাদিকতা : দ্বৈত সত্তার মিল-অমিল Mridul Dasgupta, Sajjad Sharif and Kumar ChakrabortywithShahnaz Munni Mustafiz Shafi

    ব্যক্তির একান্ত নৈর্বদ্য হচ্ছে সাহিত্য। আর সাংবাদিকতা মানে তথ্য-জালের নকশা। যাকে আবার আধুনিক রাষ্ট্রের চতুর্থ স্তম্ভও বলা হয়। আমরা দেখেছি, কালজয়ী অনেক লেখককে এই সাংবাদিকতাকে পেশা হিসেবে বেছে নিয়েছেন। দুটোর অন্তর্জগত আলাদা হওয়া সত্ত্বেও বজায় রেখেছেন ভারসাম্য। আপনাদের অভিজ্ঞতা জানতে চাই।

    While literature is often personal, journalism has to accurately represent the facts—so much so, that it is regarded as the fourth pillar of the state. Yet, many great writers have taken up journalism as a profession in spite of the differences ingrained in the two fields. Writers talk about maintaining a fine balance between the two.

  • [313] Citizens Thomas Roueché, Minna Lindgren, Ernest van der Kwast and Anne OstbywithKenan Malik

    Is it possible these days to be a citizen, not just of a country, but of a whole region? In this panel discussion, journalists and writers will debate the meaning of citizenship in a globalised world, where we are defined by our consumer habits, internet usage, and broader cultural engagements, as much as where we were born, our religion and our family traditions.

  • [314] জাতিসত্তাঃ ক্ষুদ্র বৃহতের দ্বন্দ্ব Sabyasachi ChakmawithSyed Zakir Hussain Apu Dey, RA Ghodam, Hasan Masud Choudhury, Akhter Hossain

    জাতিগত পরিচয় কি আমাদের আলাদা স্রোতে বাহিত করছে? আমরা বহু ভাষা ও জাতির বৈচিত্র কীভাবে দেখতে চাই একই সমাজ ও রাষ্ট্রে?

    Is national identity diverting us from the larger currents of different peoples? How do we want to see the diversity of different languages, nationalities and ethnicities co-exist in a society and country?

  • Performance [315] The Bold and the Brave Jan Blake

    When a hunter goes in search of leopard cubs, to sacrifice in honour of his newborn son, their shape-shifting leopard mother is determined to see them returned home safely. A frustrated farmer chastises, bullies then repudiates his wife, but regrets it immediately when he feels the absence of her warm love and excellent cooking.

    Jan will transport you, taunt you, seduce you, wrap you in the rhythm of her words, shock you, hold you in the hearts holy places and bring you safely home. These tales will bring a tear to your eye, a smile and your lips, and put a spring in your step.

    For a general audience.

  • Children's [316] The Climate Crisis Game Samiya Selim and Joy Bhowmik 9-13 years

    Take part in fun games to separate fact and fiction: Who is Greta Thunberg? Why are hundreds of young people taking part in climate strikes around the world? Together we will learn about local micro solutions that each of us can act on in our everyday lives that can make a difference. Come join this interactive session with sustainability scientist Dr Samiya Selim and Joy Bhowmik from CSD-ULAB and the Action Aid Bangladesh Youth Team. Find out what all the hype around the Climate Crisis is about! For ages 9-13 years.

1:45pm - 2:45pm
  • [317] Do Ideas Still Matter Michael Dwyer, Seuty Sabur, Thomas Roueché and Kenan MalikwithJoseph Allchin

    The liberal dream of ideas battling for public approval, with the best being adopted, appears increasingly to be a mirage. Global politics and trade are dominated by vested interests, with ideology little more than a tool for the wealthy to protect their assets. The takeover of the traditional news outlets by social media means there are fewer checks than ever. Yet there are still big ideas out there: talk of universal basic income, and wealth taxes, is more prevalent than it has been for half a century.

  • [318] The Art of Conversation Sadaf Saaz, Ahsan Akbar and K Anis Ahmed

    As every Bangladeshi knows, there is nothing better than a good conversation. And a good panel is a good conversation. But in the smartphone era, are we losing this most pleasurable and delicate of art forms? How has it impacted the moderators from Bangladesh? In this workshop, the directors of Dhaka Lit Fest will share their own thoughts, and offer tips on how they prepare to chair panels on stage.

  • [319] Imagine Zohab Zee KhanwithSharaad Kuttan

    A fourth-generation Australian of Pakistani heritage, Zohab Zee Khan is an acclaimed spoken word poet, motivational speaker and educator, who specialises in programmes for children and young adults. He has conducted poetry workshops in more than 30 countries and co-founded the Pakistan Poetry Slam. In discussion with George Town Lit Fest co-director, Sharaad Kuttan, Khan will discuss his career and look at how to keep poetry relevant in an era of non-stop social media and declining reading habits.

  • [320] Connections: Literature and Maths Piers Bursill-HallwithShakil Ahmed

    Throughout school, mathematics and language (or literature) have been treated as separate subjects. In this thought-provoking discussion, Piers Bursill-Hall argues that math is just another language in the way it conveys human thought, experience and meaning. If mathematics is a literary endeavor or even an ethical one, as Piers claims, what hidden biases or assumptions should we be aware of in the current treatment of mathematics? What role can humans play in the futures of mathematics given the rise of robots and artificial intelligence? In conversation with the futurist Shakil Ahmed, mathematician Piers Bursill-Hall explores whether mathematics should then be treated or taught any differently in order for us to be future-ready.

  • [321] South Asian Dichotomies HM Naqvi, Prayaag Akbar, Nadeem Zaman and Tishani DoshiwithSamrat Choudhury

    Politically, economically and socially, South Asia is one of the most dynamic and fast-changing regions on the planet. At the same time, it seems tethered to revanchist forces, be they Islamic extremists or Hindu nationalists. For every breakthrough - from sending shuttles into space to de-criminalising homosexuality - there seem to be countless setbacks, often in the form of physical violence or with wretched and seemingly unbreakable forms of deprivation or abuse. How to make sense of societies that are seemingly being pulled in opposing directions simultaneously? Leading young novelists from the region share their views of their homelands and neighbours. Fellow novelist and journalist, Samrat Choudhury, leads this stellar group in an exploration of the abiding commonalities (in ways good or bad) that define the subcontinent.

  • Children's [322] Play with words 10-12 years

    Engage in word games with us. Help make new connections, enhance your vocabulary, and come join us to explore the vast world of words. 

    In this stimulating session, children get to discover the fun of playing around with words, experience the thrill of solving word puzzles and wander in a maze of crosswords. For ages 10-12 years.

3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • [323] মঞ্চের জুটি, জীবনের জুটি Ferdausi Majumdar and Ramendu MajumdarwithAbdus Selim

    ফেরদৌসী মজুমদার ও রামেন্দু মজুমদার যাদের একাকার হয়ে যাওয়া গৃহ-মঞ্চ ও গণ-মঞ্চের গল্প আমরা শুনবো তাদের কাছেই। কীভাবে শুরু হলো এই শিল্পীত পথ চলা, তার অম্লমধুর রসায়ন।

    Ferdousi Majumdar and Ramendu Majumdar discuss their professional and personal journeys, with fellow actor Abdus Selim.

  • [324] Will Will SelfwithKhademul Islam

    Will Self is one of the most acclaimed, brilliant and provocative British writers of his generation. As an author of fiction, he has attracted wide praise for his fantastical, acerbic, often grotesque satires on the state of the nation, and on post-modern culture. Self was named by Granta among its 20 "Best Young British Novelists" and has been short-listed for the Booker Prize. While applauded for his vibrant use of language in fiction, he is equally renowned as a journalist and covers subjects ranging from national politics to high-street eateries. He joins us by Skype, and will be in conversation with writer and editor Khademul Islam.

  • [325] Privileged Monica Ali, Yara Rodrigues Fowler and Kenan MalikwithJames Crabtree

    Privilege has never been a more controversial subject: what forms it takes, who has it, and how it shapes the world we live in. Beyond gender, race and wealth, there is an endless variety of other privileges. In this discussion, writers Monica Ali, Kenan Malik and Yara Rodrigues Fowler will debate the subject with journalist James Crabtree.

  • [326] Leila Prayaag AkbarwithRifat Munim

    Prayaag Akbar discusses his award-winning dystopian novel, set in the 2040s in a totalitarian regime, which then became a hit Netflix original series. He discusses his work, and the present and future, with Dhaka Tribune literary editor, Rifat Munim.

  • [327] Working Girl Farhana Alam and Josepha ElizabethwithAntara Ganguli Rumana Habib

    Family, society, media and cultural norms dictate that women should find a partner instead of remaining single. Narratives of Single Working Women in Dhaka City, produced by the Centre for Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at Brac University (CGSRHR), is a documentary that is a collection of stories of single working women in Dhaka that reflects their challenges and choices to navigate society. 

    The screening will be followed by a discussion on the stigma surrounding single working women in Bangladesh, and what women are doing to challenge this by carving out new directions for themselves, breaking through stereotypes; sometimes drawing on fiction to give inspiration to support their choices. Farhana Alam, lead researcher for the documentary, and Josepha Elizabeth, participant in the documentary, are in conversation with author and women's rights advocate Antara Ganguli.

  • Performance [328] Armeen Musa

    Singer-songwriter Armeen Musa will be performing a special set to launch her new CD Live from Space exclusively for Dhaka Lit Fest. 

4:15pm - 5:15pm
  • [329] Futures of Knowledge Anir Chowdhury, Asif Saleh, Maimuna Ahmad, Korvi Rakshand and Sumana BiswaswithSyeed Ahamed

    Given that the world is becoming increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, what futures of knowledge should Bangladesh consider as it moves through the 21st century? Are our existing institutions sufficient? If not, what ecosystems and cultural shifts do we need to establish in order to acquire, store, share and co-create knowledge, so that Bangladesh and communities throughout the world are future-ready? Who owns or defines knowledge in the present and what should be the case in the future? A group of leading development practitioners, policy advisors and educators in Bangladesh come together to unpack what we need to do today to prepare for the future of knowledge tomorrow.

  • [330] Designing Spaces in Context Fuad H Mallıck, Zarina Hossain, Khondaker Hasibul Kabir and Mohammad Zakiul IslamwithSujaul Islam Khan

    The economy of Bangladesh is shifting from an agricultural base at a tremendous pace. This densely populated deltaic land obviously calls for appropriate planning of regions and cities, neighborhoods and homes. How are the architects, planners and policymakers responding to this situation that is unprecedented in terms of magnitude and pace? Are top-down planning policies still effective? Can settlements be designed bottom-up? Is the present mode of practice biased only towards the privileged top 5%? Is it time to rethink the entire scenario of habitat with new cross-disciplinary approaches? Marking the launch of Context, Aspirations and Ideas, published by UPL. Top architects, academics and planners, Fuad Mallick, Zarina Hossain, Khondaker Hasibul Kabir, and Mohammad Zakiul Islam discuss a more sustainable future with Sujaul Islam Khan.

    Abu Sayeed M. Ahmed will share final comments at the end of the session with Jamilur Reza Chowdhury.

  • Recitation [331] কবিতা- ৩ নকশিকাঁথার মাঠ

    বাংলা কবিতা মানে বাঙালির জীবন, বাঙালির মনন। বাংলা কবিতা রচিত হচ্ছে সোনামুখী সূইয়ে, রঙিন সুতোয়। কবিতার খাতা যেন নকশী কাঁথার মাঠ।

    Bangla poetry means the cultural and psychological realms of the Bengalis. Bangla poetry is being composed with a brightly coloured thread, as if, the poetry notebook is a field in the intricate designs of Nakshi quilts.

    Abdur Razzaque, Ahmed Swapan Mahmud, Amir Khashru Swapan, Ashik Akbar, Bimal Guha, Dipongkar Gautam, Farid Ahmed Dulal, Farook Mahmud, Gazi Latif, Hasan Mahmud, Henry Swapon, Kamrul Hasan, Khokon Mahmud, Mamun Or Rashid, Mehedi Russell, Mostak Ahmed Din, Rahel Razib, Raju Alim, Russell Ashequi, Shakira Parvin, Sharafat Hussain, Shoumitro Dev, Shoyeb Zibran, Sohel Hasan Galib, Swakat Hossein, Tokon Thakur, Tushar Das, Zafir Shetu and Zakir Zafran with Asad Mannan.  

  • [332] Ageing: The Secret of Life Teresa Albor, Anne Ostby and Minna LindgrenwithYara Rodrigues Fowler

    Society can't seem to deal with the idea of ageing, especially when it comes to women. Women are often seen as being either young and beautiful, or old and wise. The fact that this is a continuum - that women of all ages have varied and interesting interests and lives, while dealing with challenges and triumphs, is invisible-ised. Teresa Albor is a performance artist and writer who identifies herself as a woman, Anne Ostby writes about friendships of five women in their 60s and Minna Lindgren about three 90-year old detectives in a care home. They themselves redefine stereotypes as older women, and discuss the secret to enjoying life at every age, and stage.

  • [333] Many Rivers, One Sea Joseph AllchinwithTanim Ahmed

    Joseph Allchin is a journalist and author who has covered Bangladesh for the Financial Times, the Economist and many others. He has lived and worked in Bangladesh, and remains a keen observer of this country. In his book Many Rivers, One Sea, he examines the rise of Islamist militancy in the country, looks at its relationship to the political elite, and asks what can be done to help prevent it. He will discuss the book, as well as the broader political situation in Bangladesh, with Dhaka Tribune journalist Tanim Ahmed.

5:30pm - 6:30pm
  • [334] Closing ceremony

    5.30-6.05pm: Performance by Tishani Doshi

    With music, movement and words, Tishani Doshi presents a performance piece of her two most recent books, Small Days and Nights & Girls Are Coming Out of the Woods.

    Doshi performed with the legendary Indian choreographer Chandralekha for fifteen years as the lead dancer of her troupe, and uses yoga, kallaripayattu and bharatnatyam as a base for her expression. Music by Luca Nardon.

    6.10-6.30pm: Speeches

* The programme is subject to change
** Previously announced speakers may be absent due to last minute cancellations.

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7 - 9, Nov 2019 Bangla Academy Suhrawardy Udyan Road, Dhaka Bangladesh
Bangla Academy

Dhaka Lit Fest will be held at the historic Bangla Academy, a key centre for research, promotion and dissemination of Bangla literature and culture. The breezy grounds are a green sanctuary in the heart of the bustling metropolis, shaded by an enormous, ancient banyan tree in the midst of the Dhaka University campus. Bangla Academy also hosts the famous month-long Ekushey Book Fair every February. Dhaka Lit Fest has been held every November at Bangla Academy since 2012.